Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes has no cure but many can manage and even reverse it with lifestyle changes like diet and weight loss. Some can keep their blood sugar levels in check without medication.
How to Manage and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes:
- Lose Weight
Lose 30 pounds or more and reverse diabetes for some, especially if caught early. Reduce fat in the liver and pancreas and insulin function will return to normal which controls blood sugar. - Try a Low-Calorie Diet
A very low-calorie diet (around 625-850 calories a day) has been shown to get some people’s blood sugar to normal. This requires medical supervision and a big commitment to long term lifestyle changes. - Get Active
Exercise alone might not be enough but when combined with a healthy diet it can manage diabetes. Aim for 10,000 steps a day and at least 2.5 hours of moderate exercise a week. - Consider Weight Loss Surgery
Surgery like gastric bypass can help with weight loss and may help reverse diabetes in many. Studies show up to 75% of people who have bariatric surgery get their diabetes better. - Try Fasting
Fasting like intermittent fasting (e.g. fasting for 24 hours a few times a week) has shown positive results for some in lowering blood sugar and weight loss. But more research is needed to understand the long term effects.
Is There a Cure for Type 2 Diabetes?
Not yet. But weight loss, balanced diet, exercise and sometimes medication can control or reverse diabetes for some. Treatments like stem cell therapy and pancreas transplants are being studied but not available for public use yet.
What Doesn’t Work
Be cautious with products that claim to cure diabetes like supplements, alternative medicines or unapproved drugs. These don’t work and may interfere with your current medication.
Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong condition but with the right lifestyle changes lose weight, exercise, eat healthy some can manage or reverse it. Always consult your doctor before making big changes to your treatment.